opendir has moved servers and i cant be assed to reconfigure the clusterfuck that is Histoire, enjoy the new look!

if you're missing any directory headers or footers then try with these: header / footer


SILK: Super Wideband Audio Codec

SILK: Super Wideband Audio Codec

SILK—a speech codec for real-time, packet-based voice communications—is the preferred audio codec for Skype-to-Skype calls.

SILK targets a diverse range of operating environments, and provides dynamic scalability in several dimensions on a frame-by-frame basis:


Skype provides the following documentation regarding SILK, its specification and payload format, and audio samples:

Skype has additionally contributed SILK source code to the Internet Engineering Task Force working group:


Copyright in this software is licensed under the terms set out in the source code.

Skype Limited hereby separately grants to you a license under its patents to use the SILK software made available as a download below for internal evaluation and testing purposes only. This license expressly excludes the use of the SILK software for distribution or use in any commercial product or service.

I have read and accept the above license terms (click starts download; 63 MB)


To use the SILK software for any purpose other than internal evaluation and testing, you are required to accept the SILK Patent License.

View and accept the SILK Patent License.

Need help?

Using Jira

Skype uses Jira to track bugs and support requests. If you are accessing Jira for the first time:

While we prefer that you use Jira, you can send an email with “SILK Issue Report” in the subject line to [email protected].