------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Steerable Pyramid Software Library --- --- Designed by Eero Simoncelli, Rob Buccigrassi and Hany Farid. --- --- Original Concept: see references below. --- --- Source code by Rob Buccigrassi and Eero Simoncelli. --- --- Filter designs by Eero Simoncelli and Anestis Karasaridis. --- --- Developed at the GRASP Laboratory, Computer and --- --- Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania. --- --- Copyright 1995, University of Pennsylvania --- --- All rights reserved. --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Permission to use, copy, or modify this software and its documentation for educational and research purposes only and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright notice and the original authors' names appear on all copies and supporting documentation. For any other uses of this software, in original or modified form, including but not limited to distribution in whole or in part, specific prior permission must be obtained from University of Pennsylvania and the authors. These programs shall not be used, rewritten, or adapted as the basis of a commercial software or hardware product without first obtaining appropriate licenses from U. Pennsylvania. The University makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Steerable Pyramid is a multi-scale, multi-orientation image decomposition that provides a useful front-end for many computer vision and image-processing applications [2,3]. The transformation is a type of overcomplete Wavelet transform (specifically, it is an approximation of a "tight frame"). It has the advantage that the subbands are both translation- and rotation-invariant. The filter bank used to construct the pyramid is polar-separable in the Fourier domain. The scale tuning of the filters is constrained by a recursive system diagram (described below). The orientation tuning is constrained by requiring the property of steerability [1]. A set of filters form a steerable basis if they 1) are rotated copies of each other, and 2) a copy of the filter at any orientation may be computed as a linear combination of the basis filters. The simplest examples of steerable filters is a set of N+1 Nth-order directional derivatives. In addition to having steerable orientation subbands, the transform we describe is designed to be "self-inverting" (i.e., it is a "tight frame"), and is approximately aliasing-free. Most importantly, the pyramid can be designed to produce any number of orientation bands, k. The resulting transform will be overcomplete by a factor of 4k/3. The basic system diagram is illustrated below: ---- H0 ------------------+------------------------H0 ---- | | -- L0 --- Bi -----------o---------------- Bi --- L0 -- | | -- L1 -- 2v -----*---------- 2^ -- L1 -- H0: highpass initialization filter. L0: lowpass initialization filter. Bi: set of k steerable bandpass filters. L1: lowpass filter. 2v: downsample by 2. 2^: upsample by 2. +: highpass coefficients o: oriented bandpass coefficients. *: lowpass coefficients. Pyramid recursion is achieved by inserting the subportion of the diagram containing the Bi and L1 branches at the location of the *. ====================================================================== The C software provided in this distribution will build, manipulate, and reconstruct steerable pyramid decompositions. Please see README.functions for a list of the function prototypes and descriptions. We also provide a set of demonstration programs that build and display steerable pyramids. These are written for UNIX/X-windows platforms (sorry, no PC or Mac versions yet). *******>>> As of 4/97, there is also MatLab code available for manipulating Steerable (and other) pyramids. This is more accurate and easier to use. Check the web site at http://www.cns.nyu.edu/~eero/steerpyr/ To get a copy of the C source code, create the software library, and run the demos: 0) Ftp the source from ftp.cis.upenn.edu (IP address, from file pub/eero/steerpyr.tar.Z. This is a unix-compressed "tar" file -- don't forget to put ftp into binary mode. 1) unpack the compressed tarfile: > cd > uncompress steerpyr.tar.Z > tar xvf steerpyr.tar 2) Compile: > cd Src > make [you may need to modify the pathnames in the Makefile] 3) Run demo programs (UNIX/X-windows only): > cd ../Demo > show_pfilter -f spfilter.3 > show_pyramid -f spfilter.1 -p image2 -l 3 -s 0 > show_steer -f spfilter.3 -p image2 -l 1 Executing any of the demo programs with NO arguments will give a list of arguments. For the latter two programs, the "-l" argument is limited to be less than floor(log2(D/9)), where D is the smallest dimension of the input image. Demo programs are as follows: show_pfilter -f filter_file display the filter kernels from the "filter_file" in an X window: Top row: L1, L0, H0. Bottom row: oriented kernels B_k. We provide 3 filter files, which are described below. show_pyramid -f filter_file -p image_file -l numlevels -s subband decompose the image in the file "image_file" into a pyramid using the filters in "filter_file". "numlevels" specifies the number of pyramid levels (i.e., scales) in the decomposition. An X window will appear containing the following: 1) upper left: the reconstructed image (nearly identical to the original) 2) upper right: highpass residual image 3) bottom, left to right: subbands at a fixed orientation (specified by the -s parameter, a number between 0 and N-1, where N is the number of orientation bands), shown at each scale, and 4) bottom right: the lowpass residual. show_steer -f filter_file -p image_file -l numlevel display a movie (containing 30 frames) of a continuously rotating, steered (interpolated) subband at a scale specified by "numlevel" (numbering starts at 0). FILTERS: several filter sets are provided: spfilter.0 - non-oriented bandpass filters. Use as a "self-inverting" replacement for the Laplacian pyramid. spfilter.1 - 2-orientation-band filter set. These are essentially first derivative filters. spfilter.3 - 4-orientation-band filter set. Third derivatives. IMAGES: Two example images are provided with the source code: image1 - a "zone plate" image, providing all orientations and spatial frequencies. image2 - a photograph of Albert Einstein. The demonstration programs will only operate on grayscale images, and the display code only works on framebuffers at least 8bits deep. The demo programs will read two file formats: 1) ASCII PGM (this is read/writable by the XV image utility). 2) An internal "matrix" format, which consists of an ascii file containing a) Two integers (separated by whitespace) containing the number of rows and columns. b) a space-delimited set of floating point numbers listed in row order (i.e. from left to right) where the top row is given first. The maximum number will be displayed as white, and the minimum will be displayed as black. Comments, suggestions, or questions should be sent to: eero AT central DOT cns DOT nyu DOT edu ====================================================================== REFERENCES: [1] William T Freeman and Edward H Adelson, "The Design and Use of Steerable Filters". _IEEE Trans. Patt. Anal. Mach. Intell._, Vol 13 Num 9, pp 891-906, September 1991. [2] Eero P Simoncelli, William T Freeman, Edward H Adelson, and David J Heeger, "Shiftable Multi-scale Transforms", _IEEE Trans. Information Theory: Special Issue on Wavelets_, Vol 38 Num 2, pp 587-607, March 1992. Available on the Web as: http://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/eero/simoncell91.ps.gz [3] Eero P Simoncelli and William T Freeman, "The Steerable Pyramid: A Flexible Architecture for Multi-Scale Derivative Computation", _2nd IEEE Int'l Conf on Image Processing: Washington, DC_, November, 1995. Available on the Web as: http://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/eero/simoncell95b.ps.gz [4] A Karasaridis and E P Simoncelli, "Filter Design Technique for Steerable Pyramid Image Transforms", _International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing: Atlanta, GA_, May, 1996. Available on the Web as: http://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/eero/karasaridis96.ps.Z [5] E P Simoncelli and E H Adelson. "Noise Removal via Bayesian Wavelet Coring.", _2nd IEEE Int'l Conf on Image Processing: Laussanne, Switzerland_, September, 1996. Available on the Web as: http://ftp.cis.upenn.edu/pub/eero/simoncelli96c.ps.Z