opendir has moved servers and i cant be assed to reconfigure the clusterfuck that is Histoire, enjoy the new look!

if you're missing any directory headers or footers then try with these: header / footer


Compression Technology

Videogram Technology Audio Technology
New Features
Feature Summary
Download Latest Player
Streaming Test Page
For Web Masters
Setting Up Your Web Site to Stream
Netscape Plug-In


Videogram technology from Alaris allows you to produce highly compressed video files that can be downloaded from the Internet or sent via email. Fit a 60 second video onto a single 3.5 inch floppy!

Videograms can be viewed on any PC (minimum 486 DX2/66) running Windows 3.x, Windows NT or Windows 95. Since the Videogram viewer can be embedded in the Videogram itself, you can distribute your video messages to nearly anyone with a PC.

The Videogram Player is an optimized utility that can play back Videograms on any PC running Windows. Because the Videogram Player is very small and can be embedded in the Videogram file, publishers can distribute video clips containing company or product information and be assured that their message will be viewable by a large audience.

Alaris’ Videogram technology uses a proprietary video compression algorithm to provide significantly higher compression ratios than existing compression algorithms including Indeo, Cinepak and MPEG. Combined with Alaris’ TELP and MUZIP audio compression technologies, Videograms achieve file sizes previously unattainable without significant loss in quality and frame rate.

Audio Compression Demo

Speech Compression Demo