opendir has moved servers and i cant be assed to reconfigure the clusterfuck that is Histoire, enjoy the new look!

if you're missing any directory headers or footers then try with these: header / footer

Index of /lastos/Last20/zLast20_Builder/03_WinBuilder/Custom/x64/IsoRoot/sources/

Index of /lastos/Last20/zLast20_Builder/03_WinBuilder/Custom/x64/IsoRoot/sources/

$OEM$/                                             12-Mar-2024 08:30       -
$PostLogonApps/                                    12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
$RegTweaks/                                        12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
$Settings/                                         12-Mar-2024 08:30       -
$USBDVD/                                           12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
$ssWPI/                                            12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
dlmanifests/                                       12-Mar-2024 08:33       -
en-us/                                             12-Mar-2024 08:30       -
etwproviders/                                      12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
inf/                                               12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
migration/                                         12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
replacementmanifests/                              12-Mar-2024 08:30       -
sxs/                                               12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
uup/                                               12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
vista/                                             12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
xp/                                                12-Mar-2024 08:28       -
EI.CFG                                             12-Oct-2016 01:19      57
ReadMe.txt                                         04-Feb-2020 09:37    5340
acmigration.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    314K
acres.dll                                          29-Oct-2018 23:32    323K
actionqueue.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    184K
adfscomp.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     50K
admtv3check.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32     81K
aeinv.dll                                          29-Oct-2018 23:32    693K
appcompat.xsl                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32     11K
appcompat_bidi.xsl                                 29-Oct-2018 23:32     12K
appcompat_detailed.xsl                             29-Oct-2018 23:32     13K
appcompat_detailed_bidi.xsl                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     13K
appcompat_detailed_bidi_txt.xsl                    29-Oct-2018 23:32     13K
appcompat_detailed_txt.xsl                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     13K
appcompatservicing.dll                             29-Oct-2018 23:32     57K
appraiser.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32      2M
appraiser.sdb                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32      2M                              29-Oct-2018 23:32    9563
appraiserres.dll                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32    111K
arunimg.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:44    814K
arunres.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     22K
autorun.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    171K
background_cli.bmp                                 03-Feb-2020 08:20      2M
cdplib.mof                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32    1976
cdplibuninstall.mof                                29-Oct-2018 23:32     571
clustercompliance.dll                              29-Oct-2018 23:32     29K
cmi2migxml.dll                                     29-Oct-2018 23:32    174K
cmisetup.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    660K
compatctrl.dll                                     29-Oct-2018 23:32    153K
compatprovider.dll                                 29-Oct-2018 23:32    160K
compatresources.dll                                29-Oct-2018 23:44      3M
compres.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     47K
cryptosetup.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32     31K
csiagent.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    643K
db_msftproductionwindowssigningca.cer              29-Oct-2018 23:32    1499
devinv.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32    610K
diager.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     51K
diagnostic.dll                                     29-Oct-2018 23:32    167K
diagtrack.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32      1M
dismapi.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    982K
dismcore.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    379K
dismcoreps.dll                                     29-Oct-2018 23:32    176K
dismprov.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    242K
du.dll                                             29-Oct-2018 23:32    147K
facilitator.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    759K
folderprovider.dll                                 29-Oct-2018 23:32     59K
generaltel.dll                                     29-Oct-2018 23:32    801K
hwcompat.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    202K
hwcompat.txt                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    714K
hwcompatPE.txt                                     29-Oct-2018 23:44     257
hwexclude.txt                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32      51
hwexcludePE.txt                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32      15
hypervcomplcheck.dll                               29-Oct-2018 23:32    185K
iasmigplugin.dll                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32    679K
idwbinfo.txt                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     123
iiscomp.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     32K
imagingprovider.dll                                29-Oct-2018 23:32    210K
input.dll                                          29-Oct-2018 23:32    355K
itgtupg.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     92K
locale.nls                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32    788K
logprovider.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    140K
mediasetupuimgr.dll                                29-Oct-2018 23:32     13M
migapp.xml                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32    639K
migcore.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32      8M
migisol.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    140K
migres.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     16K
migstore.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32      1M
migsys.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32    376K
migtestplugin.dll                                  29-Oct-2018 23:32     55K
mitigation.dll                                     29-Oct-2018 23:32    245K
mxeagent.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    309K
ndiscompl.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32    115K
nlsbres.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     88K
ntdsupg.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     36K
ntfrsupg.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     59K
nxquery.inf                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    1475
nxquery.sys                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     24K
offline.xml                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     37K
offlineprofileutils.dll                            29-Oct-2018 23:32    187K
oscomps.woa.xml                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    243K
oscomps.xml                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    425K
osfilter.inf                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     21K
outofbox_windows_db.bin                            29-Oct-2018 23:32    4780
pnpibs.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     79K
rdsupgcheck.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32     52K
reagent.admx                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    1240
reagent.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32      1M
reagent.xml                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     837
reportgen.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32     58K
rmsupg.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     72K
schema.dat                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     92K
sdbapiu.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    303K
segoeui.ttf                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    930K
setupcompat.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    323K
setupcore.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32      2M
setupmgr.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    917K
setupplatform.cfg                                  29-Oct-2018 23:32    8000
setupplatform.dll                                  29-Oct-2018 23:32      9M
sfcn.dat                                           29-Oct-2018 23:32    1824
sflcid.dat                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32    1644
sfpat.inf                                          29-Oct-2018 23:32     11K
sfpatrs1.inf                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    166K
sfpatw7.inf                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     17K
sfpatw8.inf                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     78K
sfpatwb.inf                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32     89K
sfpatwt.inf                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    162K
smiengine.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32    837K
spflvrnt.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     43K
spprgrss.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     59K
spwizeng.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    495K
spwizimg.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:46      6M
spwizres.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     17K
sqmapi.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     46K
uddicomp.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     57K
unattend.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    200K
unbcl.dll                                          29-Oct-2018 23:32      1M
uninstall.xml                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32    3286
uninstall_data.xml                                 29-Oct-2018 23:32     11K
updateagent.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32      3M
updatesetupuimgr.dll                               29-Oct-2018 23:44      2M
upgloader.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32    122K
upgrade_bulk.xml                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32    187K
upgrade_comp.xml                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32    4320
upgrade_data.xml                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32     40K
upgrade_frmwrk.xml                                 29-Oct-2018 23:32     17K
upgradeagent.dll                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32      3M
upgradeagent.xml                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32     69K
upgwow_bulk.xml                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32     95K
uxlib.dll                                          29-Oct-2018 23:32    173K
uxlibres.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32     12K
vhdprovider.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    546K
w32uiimg.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32      3M
w32uires.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    207K
wdsclient.dll                                      29-Oct-2018 23:32    978K
wdsclientapi.dll                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32    300K
wdscore.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    244K
wdscsl.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32     60K
wdsimage.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32    936K
wdstptc.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    647K
wdsupgcompl.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32     28K
wdsutil.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    290K
wicadevicefilters.xml                              29-Oct-2018 23:32     13K
wimprovider.dll                                    29-Oct-2018 23:32    575K
win32ui.dll                                        29-Oct-2018 23:32    619K
windlp.dll                                         29-Oct-2018 23:32      1M
winsetup.dll                                       29-Oct-2018 23:32      3M                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32    8192
winsetupboot.sys                                   29-Oct-2018 23:32     71K
wpx.dll                                            29-Oct-2018 23:32      1M